Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Prettiest Drag Queen

I was in the marching band for my entire high school career. I loved it and have a million wonderful memories of being in the band and traveling across the country and to Canada. One year we went down to Southwest Missouri State (I think it has changed names since then) for a a competition. I fell head over heals in love with the campus. We watched a football game and saw their marching band and I knew right then that there was no where that I would rather go to college. That was the plan.

My diagnosis came a week before high school graduation. The summer was filled with surgeries and chemo. Even though I had been accepted to SMSU it was becoming less and less likely that I would be able to go. If I did go I would have to come home for treatments every 3 weeks and during that time it was almost guaranteed that I would be sick for one of those weeks. There was too much that was up in the air. I was forced to make another hard decision. I had to decide to give up my dream school and stay close to home and the hospital.

Anyway, I did get to make some visits to the campus to see friends and we had some amazing nights out that I won't forget. It was a nice escape from what was going on back at home. And I was getting a taste of big campus life. It was the best I could do.

The funniest thing that ever happened to me while I was sick happened one night at gay bar we went to to meet an old friend and his boyfriend. They had been talking up how amazing the drag show was and I couldn't wait to see it. I got ready at the dorms with the girls and put on my best pair of pleather pants and a cute black shirt that tied in the back. I was skinny as hell then. I stood 6 feet tall and probably weighed 140 pounds. I put on make up. Not something I usually did but I was going out and everyone else was. I also had my trusty blond wig. I felt like a million dollars when we left to go to the club.

We watched the show and danced all night. We got drunk in the bathrooms since we didn't have hand stamps. We thought we were hot shit. We were getting ready to go and a cute guy slightly shorter than me with jet black hair walked up and slipped his arm around my waist.

"I just wanted to tell you that of everyone here tonight, you have got to be the prettiest drag queen I have ever seen. I am not into dudes but you are way hot."

I wish I could tell you how I responded to that! The next memory I have was being in the car with our friends laughing hysterically and me checking myself out in the overhead mirror trying to figure out why he thought that? Was it the wig and the make up? Was it because I was tall and had no curves? Either way, I convinced myself to take it as a compliment. After all, he did say I was way hot.

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