Sunday, October 7, 2012


Everyone that knows me can tell you that I am a lover of music. I love all genres and hearing a song can bring me back to a certain event in my life or a feeling that may have been forgotten about for some time. I can create a soundtrack of my life. I can relate a lyric to a relevant life event. (I can do this also with Simpson episodes but we can save that for another topic)

So today it is all too fitting that when I heard the song "Name" by the Goo Goo Dolls that I relate it to today's post. Particularly the line "Scars are souvenirs you never lose, the past is never far."

I have many scars. Some show my ambition, like the gouge out of my shin from running along side of the merry-go-round at the playground and trying to jump on when it was going it's fastest. Or the bleached out skin on my knee from tripping on blacktop trying to out run a team for first place in an orienteering meet. (OK, I was clumsy too.) Some are a reminder that my bones grew faster than my muscles could keep up like the 3 holes in my knee from the numerous dislocations I had to have repaired. And some of them, like my mastectomy scar and the scar from the 42 staples on my leg, make me sad but also remind me just how far I have come and how lucky I am to be alive.

I am not the scared little girl that started this journey. I am not alone and I am certainly not alone in this fight. I have been lucky to not only beat this disease but to have the opportunity to share my story so that others may learn from my mistakes, my heart brakes, my triumphs and my good deeds. Cancer may still beat me in the end. But before I go, I will spend my time trying to make the biggest impact that I can to inspire the next generation to fight. Like Gwen inspired me.

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